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I am a landscape gardener, designer, speaker and writer, and travel extensively within the UK and beyond visiting clients who are looking for someone with the experience and skills to interpret sketchy ideas and desires and present them with realistic and exciting solutions that are both affordable and stunning. These projects range from revitalising tired layouts and planting schemes to large scale re-designs and complex constructions for both domestic and commercial properties. I also work as a consultant and adviser for a leading meadow specialist company and various heritage organisations. Increasingly I am being asked to deliver CPD’s for Architects and Landscape Architects, as well as written articles for lifestyle magazines and specialist publications.

Green shoots…
It’s fair to say that I was born with the gardening gene and from a tender age I absorbed as much information I could – particularly from the sage old gardeners who worked on the allotments at the bottom of our road. They may have had string tied around the bottoms of their trousers but their willingness to pass on their accumulated wisdom coupled with my youthful enthusiasm was a great boost to my horticultural apprenticeship.

After graduating from Lancaster University with a degree in Geography and Environmental Science I spent the next 15 years travelling the world with the military where digging trenches and living off the land was a life saver on more than one occasion and a great testing ground for what was to come….

And now…
After working in several senior management positions in the commercial world I decided to follow my heart and put my latent skills and passion to good use. So in 2001 I hung up my suit and swapped the company car for a more suitable mode of transport.

Since then I have designed and built gardens of all shapes, sizes and styles – always respecting the aspirations of the client whilst gently introducing my own ideas and knowledge to create something special. Wherever possible I like to make allowances for encouraging and accommodating wildlife within a garden or larger landscape setting and am never happier building ponds and areas of naturalistic plantings when the opportunity arises.

WILD by name; GARDENS by nature….

Jonathan is contactable by phone 07521 970882 or by email to: info@jonathanwildgardens.co.uk

He is also contactable through the Contact Sheet on this website, the Jonathan Wild Gardens Facebook page or Twitter.


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